Day 50

Hmm, the most fun of the day was almost right at the start, where you go through a bunch of geysers around Shoshone Lake. After that the bugs had me locked into my headnet and generally just walking fast and watching my feet. We passed an amazing campsite (8S1), right on the shore of the lake. Crystal clear water, and it was actually warm! We had to ford the thigh high outlet creek, so I’m certain of the temperature 🙂

In the afternoon we headed towards Heart Lake, and passed Witch Creek, another one where hotsprings are mixing in with the creek. I found a nice spot where it was warm but not boiling, but sadly just had time to poke my hands and head in. I had dinner on the shore of Heart Lake and chatted with a ranger, then hiked on to our official campsite, around the side of the lake.

Long day but overall I feel alright, ready to do it again tomorrow I think!

Daily Summary
Date: Aug 13, 2011
Day 50
Daily Distance: 32.2 miles
Trip Distance: 943.7 miles

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Day 49

I was in bed for 11 hours last night, even though I got up at 5:15. We got hiking just as it was light enough to barely see the trail – not too often I’ve done that. We crossed the Idaho/Wyoming border pretty quickly – another state done… Not quite as exciting as finishing Montana but I’ll take it.

The trail was deserted and easy walking, and I finished off 15 miles in 4 hours or so. Then I hit the Biscuit Basin, where all the geysers are…. And therefore all the people. I basically walked out of the forest, dirty and stinky, directly into hordes of fresh and clean tourists. I was afraid to stop and stink everyone away from the bubbling pools. Even the sulfur smell couldn’t hide me 🙂

I walked down a side trail that goes directly to Old Faithful, which I found surrounded by about 1000 people (really). But behind them was all the stuff I needed – permits, post office, shower, laundry, and of course, food. By 12:30 I was mostly done the big chores, but still trying to figure out some logistics for the next couple sections… And eating.

We spent some time charging electronics blah balh blah, basically we just ate for the rest of the day until way too late. Locals even showed us a nice quiet spot by the river where some of the hot springs mixed into it. Pretty, but I didn’t go in 🙂

Then we had to hike 3 miles, stomachs full of beer and food, to our official campsite. Which we found occupied by people without a permit, but plenty of room to share!

Daily Summary
Date: Aug 12, 2011
Day 49
Daily Distance: 22.3 miles
Trip Distance: 911.5 miles

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Day 48

We slept in quite late today since we only had 15 miles to hike. We eventually got rolling at 10am. The scenery was pretty boring, it was a gravel road walk in forest the whole way.

We did meet 3 brothers hiking the CDT northbound, although it sounded like they had been forced to skip around a bit. They looked to be a range from 40s-50s. One was using an external frame pack that he got on eBay…

In the end we are right beside a “Welcome to Yellowstone” sign, with about 20 miles to Old Faithful Village. We have lots of town chores to do there, so it will be a busy day, especially if we want to fit in some touristy stuff!

Daily Summary
Date: Aug 11, 2011
Day 48
Daily Distance: 15 miles
Trip Distance: 889.2miles

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Day 47

We finished with Montana today! We are on an alternative in Idaho that takes us through a tiny bit of civilization called Mack’s Inn and then east towards Yellowstone in Wyoming.

First I had some confusion where there is a spur of well signed, well trodden trail that goes off in the wrong direction… I wasted half an hour exploring that before I realized my map said quite clearly that it was the wrong way. The right way was 5 miles of cross-country up Hell’s Roaring Creek. There was some use trails through there and I tried to follow them up the canyon of the creek, but sometimes in vain. When I missed it, I usually ended up in the creek or on a steep hill, but I figured it out after a bit and made the rest of the way without mishap.

We had lunch on the MT/ID border and then picked up a busy gravel road for the trip down to Mack’s Inn. We were passed by tons of cars, ATVs and 4x4s (kinda a ATV crossed with a golf cart). I kept wondering what the draw was, as it dead ended half way up a mountain… Didn’t figure that one out.

We tried to arrange our permits for Yellowstone, but failed due to the campsite we wanted first being full. Instead we have to do a short day to the park border, then hike all the way to the park office the next day. We then beg for permits for the rest of the park from there. Tedious.

So today turned leisurely at that point and we lingered at each bit of town (a Subway and two gas stations). Toasted our completion of Montana.

Daily Summary
Date: Aug 10, 2011
Day 47
Daily Distance: 27.5 miles
Trip Distance: 874.2miles

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Day 46

Started a bit late as we were hoping rain would let up, but eventually just got hiking. Last night and much of today, the undergrowth has been amazing. Grasses waist deep, with flowers in a riot of colours. The only minor downside is that we have to wade through them sometimes, and they really obscure the trail!

Near lunch we met a northbound CDT hiker named Handlebar. He has a giant white beard, and he gave us a bunch of positive trail beta for Yellowstone and the Winds. So things are looking good for us!

After lunch the trail got a bit vague, with lots of cross country travel through the lush grasses. I was rarely where I was supposed to be, but I found the right ridge to hike up around dinner. I was able to get great views of the Tetons (a famously excellent climbing/hiking area). They look huge even from far away. I’m somewhat sad the trail doesn’t go through there. I believe we go through the Winds instead, so that’s some consolation!

We ended up high on the divide with nowhere to camp, so we ended up hiking later than intended and settled for pretty marginal camping. Here’s hoping for quiet weather tonight…

Daily Summary
Date: Aug 9, 2011
Day 46
Daily Distance: 25.7 miles
Trip Distance: 846.7 miles

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Day 45

Had to pick up food from the post office (sent 3 weeks ago? from Helena!). Then there was some last minute gorging that stretched out until 10am before we finally pulled out of town with a mailman. Turns out he drives a big truck from the big post office distribution centre in Butte, dropping off all the mail for little towns, ending in Lima. Then he hangs around in Lima til the evening (he has an RV, ATV, etc there) and he reverses the route with outgoing mail. Anyways, he gets bored so he helps drive hikers to the trail.

We had a nice easy hike on dirt road and then wandered aimlessly through some huge meadows. Eventually I GPS’d my way to the trail and headed on. The now usual thunderstorms rolled in mid-afternoon and stuck around for dinner. The guidebook mentioned great views around where I am now – high in the Centennials, but the clouds were blocking everything. Oh well, the glimpses I got were pretty, hopefully it clears up by morning!

Daily Summary
Date: Aug 8, 2011
Day 45
Daily Distance: 19.5 miles
Trip Distance: 821 miles

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Day 44

The goal today was getting to Lima. Last night we picked our campsite knowing that even if it sucked, hey, we’d be in town today. It turned out that the wind flipped 180 degrees in the night, which turned my aerodynamic tent into a kite. It didn’t quite take off, but I spent quite a bit of the night listening to it try.

We were both up at dawn, and hit the road but were quickly reminded that it was not going to be a quick jaunt into town. The divide was very hilly and rocky. We were moving slow due to lack of sleep and food. Eventually we dropped down off the ridges to the valley, but with a solid 10 miles of road to walk to get to the highway.

We eventually made it and a quick call to the motel in Lima netted us a ride into town. We were quickly into our room then off for food.

Early bed is a necessity after last night, so that’s it!

Daily Summary
Date: Aug 7, 2011
Day 44
Daily Distance: 17.4 miles
Trip Distance: 801.5 miles

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Day 43

Today’s journal could be called “Cow Rant”. Just a warning. First though, we had a great morning walking the divide in relative flatness. Then we got to a great spring and hiked on nice forested trail til lunch.

Things started getting ugly after we dropped down from the divide and cows started making their presence felt. First it was just some dried out cow patties. No big deal, you just step around them. Then some streams I wanted to get water from were turned into mud-holes by cows stomping around in them (and shitting everywhere of course).

Later in the afternoon I ran into herd after herd, so many that I couldn’t possibly avoid causing some of them to stampede off. When that happens, they often leave wet little presents for me, and when you’ve just made them run off up the trail, this is not fun. By dinner I was smeared to the knees liberally with poo. Taking off my shoes was like reaching into a toilet bowl. Dinner was somewhat unpleasant.

Finally, we climbed back up to the divide, but there were some patches where even dainty stepping couldn’t avoid plowing through more shit.

In conclusion, I’m looking forward to a nice burger in Lima.

Daily Summary
Date: Aug 6, 2011
Day 43
Daily Distance: 28.6 miles
Trip Distance: 784.1 miles

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Day 42

Tough morning today after yesterday’s rollercoaster. We both had trouble getting in gear, so it was slow for sure. Then we got to a spot where you could summit Cottonwood Peak (11,024ft) relatively easily and come out on trail on the other side. We debated briefly but really we both wanted to do it.

It was pretty easy going to get up, except the elevation made us stop for breath regularly. Great views from the top, but we didn’t linger long as an icy wind was blowing up there. The descent was way steeper and tough on the knees, but eventually it leveled out near the CDT.

Overall we didn’t make it 10 miles by lunch, 5.5 hours of hiking… But it was awfully pretty up there. After lunch we made up a lot of ground, and by dinner we were in range of normal mileage.

My only other interesting incident was that after dinner I hiked down to a lake and ran into a 20 person, car supported, hiking group finishing up dinner. I stopped and chatted and ended up with a plate of food. They seemed pretty happy to be out there and thought doing the CDT was interesting (or crazy, they were being polite 🙂

I saw Chance walking by below as I finished up, so I excused myself and tried to chase him down. In the end I caught him too far away to go back, so we just went on and eventually camped at an exposed saddle. We should have a beautiful morning.

Daily Summary
Date: Aug 5, 2011
Day 42
Daily Distance: 23.5 miles
Trip Distance: 755.5 miles

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Day 41

Slept a bit poorly due to a windy night combined with scratchy grass making weird noises on my tent. It was good to be off my feet either way though.

In the morning we started climbing on the divide with great views into Idaho. We got up to our highest point yet on the CDT – 10,200ft on top of Elk Mountain. 360 views from up there. I felt pretty good getting up there, as I used my secret climbing weapon – Gatorade powder. It comes out rarely but works wonders.

After the big mountain we climbed up and down the divide for another 10 miles while thunderstorms threatened all around us. Eventually one got us, blowing hard in our face with hail and pinpricks of rain. We eventually dropped down to a pretty lake and had dinner. 20 minutes into dinner though, another storm rolled up, so we headed out with dinners still in hand.

During all the climbing today, I had some ridiculous songs stuck in my head. The first one is 100% Hailey’s fault as she played it for me while visiting. I know one line from it, apparently it’s a SNL skit called “The Only Gay Eskimo”. Very tedious when you only know the one line. Next up was Jingle Bells, no need to explain how annoying that was. Finally, Laundry Day from Dr Horrible’s Sing Along Blog (amazing if you are nerdy and have not seen it). Unfortunately, I just had the first two words on loop in time to my walking. Regardless, they all helped me get through a long day, so I guess it’s not all bad 🙂

Daily Summary
Date: Aug 4, 2011
Day 41
Daily Distance: 27.5 miles
Trip Distance: 730 miles

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