Day 33

We woke up extra early due to being quite cold but also near town! We got down to the right road by 8am but there weren’t really any cars for a bit just a couple guys out on motorbikes exploring old battle sites around the pass. We got out a neon “Hiker to Town” sign Chance had made and the first car picked us up.

We got down to the store/restaurant by 9 and had a couple breakfasts then had some showers and laundry. After that it was lunch, dessert and beers before we headed back to the trail by 4pm. In there I also called some rangers to figure out where Hailey can come meet us with a rental car and found an almost perfect spot. Friday, she’ll be arriving and we will likely take two days off to hang out with her.

We also heard that last night it was about 1C out, which explains our chilliness. I’m thinking about getting my warmer sleeping bag for the rest of the trip, because so far every night has seemed rather cold.

Other interesting notes, either yesterday or today we hit our easternmost point on the trip. We also have started crossing back and forth between Montana and Idaho. We have about 44 miles to do between the next two days, so it should be a bit more leisurely than the last week.

Daily Summary
Date: July 27, 2011
Day 33
Daily Distance: 11.7 miles
Trip Distance: 589.5 miles

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One Response to Day 33

  1. Blair says:

    Easternmost? Westernmost? Sure looks like westernmost?

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