Day 66

Got up early to get to the post office when it opened, but in the end we got a ride from the maintenance guy at the hotel, and back (3 mile round trip). Then we had a few hours with our stuff before we hiked through Rawlins back to the PO to mail it off. I stopped at a taco place and got a bunch of tacos to walk with.

We decided to road walk and skip some gnarly cross country desert. Walking with Lucky Joe was nice, new stories, etc. The miles flew by. He told us about getting snowed in on a winter ski of the John Muir Trail, and trying to get out afterwards. Gripping – he ended up getting helicoptered out.

Finally we jumped a barbed wire fence to camp a bit further off our road walking alternative. Good day and looks like a nice night to star gaze – I’m skipping my tent for the first night on the trail.

Daily Summary
Date: Aug 29, 2011
Day 66
Daily Distance: 19.5 miles
Trip Distance: 1285.7 miles

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2 Responses to Day 66

  1. John says:

    Just checked in again and realized that I should be leaving comments. The blog is a great read! Sounds as though you’re having one adventure after another. Glad to hear that the shin splints are not as much of a problem as they were. Keep well!

  2. karen says:

    sounds like a lot of critters out there! malx is safely tucked away with cousins in vancouver, day 1 ubc, we are having a great aboriginal summer here. i hear i may get to pick you up in november- maybe I can walk up the trail. looking forward to details, k xo

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