Day 76


The trail in Shenandoah NP is very nicely maintained. Even though I haven’t loved all the climbs, it’s been smooth sailing all the way. Today, rain threatened all day but never materialized. For me, another day of relief from the heat, and I’m feeling noticeably better. We climbed a bunch, fully in the clouds and dense forest, but just before lunch we got out of the fog on Stony Man Cliff. Turns out we were in a fog bank and the cliff was just out far enough to give us a lovely view down into the valley below.


Above the cliffs, we climbed some more but also started seeing hordes of day hikers. Always a sign of a nearby trailhead, we soon reached Skyland Wayside for burgers, coffee, and blackberry ice cream pie. We savoured our coffee on a nice cushy couch and people watched for a bit before throwing on our wet hiking clothes for more humid hiking!


View from Big Meadows Lodge

The afternoon was quick though, we chatted away and got to our destination by 5. Big Meadows Lodge and Campground has laundry, showers and a restaurant, so we spent the evening taking advantage of it all. We even tried some Virginia wine with dinner (how civilized!).  Clean and full, back to the campground for a dubious quality sleep near the busy entrance.

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4 Responses to Day 76

  1. susan breiddal says:

    I feel for you re those cramps. The pics are beautiful though-looks like great country side. The picture of you is shocking – you look pretty thin in the face. I like your way of dieting except for the hiking part. xo

  2. Paula McFadyen says:

    You guys are troopers. Rain, snorting deer, cramping, and on you go… You might want to try ingesting packs of mustard for cramping. It has worked for some athletes. Your next burger stop, grab a pack, and see if it helps. Love seeing pics of your desserts! Wishing you well as you keep on truckin.

    • Ryley says:

      Thanks Paula – I picked a couple of mustard packs up as soon as I could once he started cramping! Takes some convincing to get him to eat it though – he doesn’t like the idea of “anecdotal evidence”…thabks for the back up! 🙂

  3. karen says:

    i thought your face looks thin too, maybe the dessert will fix that though.

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