Day 41 – A food blog


Memorial on top of Mt Greylock

My uncle recently questioned whether this is a hiking blog or a food blog.  Today it’s definitely on the food side, since we passed through a lot of towns. First, we finished climbing Mt Greylock, and checked out the large, phallic War Memorial on top. Then, lacking other views due to fog, we repaired to the peak-top Bascom Lodge for a quick breakfast. Mostly for the coffee.


We then descended the mountain, which took hours, and rolled into Cheshire, a very small town that the trail goes right through. It was lunchtime… ish, so we dropped by a pub for a couple burgers and beers, including my first taste of the famed Yuengling Lager, which was delicious.


On the way out of town we stopped by the PO and picked up a lighter shirt for Megan and a lighter jacket for me, and sent off my full rain jacket to our trail angels, Jimmy and Judy.  Our packs are getting much lighter. We might not be, because we also stopped by the ice cream shop next door and walked out of town licking some cold cones 🙂

7 more miles of pretty gentle hills got us to Dalton, which we had to walk into on hot roads for 2 miles. Megan was hobbling by the time we got to a trail angel’s house on the other side of town, our stop for the night.  Tom, the owner popped us over to a grocery store to resupply for the next 4 days. Megan could still barely walk. We got back and ordered a pizza while we organized our resupply. By the time we finished pizza, a tall beer, and a few donuts (and a bit of fresh veggies Megan has picked up at the store), we waddled to bed. Megan was walking more easily already, hopefully tomorrow everything is fine.

Yuengling Brewery (Pottsfield, PA “America’s Oldest Brewery”, 1829) – Yuengling Lager
Berkshire Brewing Company (BBC,  South Deerfield, MA) – Steel Rail Ale
BBC Coffeehouse Porter

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