Day 31 – 1 month on the trail!


Crossing into Vermont!

A good day, mostly not hiking, but lots of eating… We both woke up early, eager to get into town. We were at a recommended breakfast place by 7:30, eating crueller French toast, along with full plates of regular delicious food.  We went outside after to sit on a bench and enjoy the morning sun, and ran into a past thru hiker who grilled me on the PCT and CDT.  He also offered us leftover hotdogs and beer from trail angeling he did yesterday.  We passed at 9:30am 🙂  Then we waddled over to Starbucks for more coffee and free Wi-Fi…. Then off to see the newish movie Inside Out, and then dinner and beers. Finally we strolled the last of our trail miles through town and to a trail angel’s house for the night.

Switchback Pale Ale –  Switchback Brewing (Burlington, VT)
Enjoyed at the end of a very successful day off in Hanover, NH – paired with house smoked ribs and salad. I liked it – a bit citrus-y. Ryley didn’t love it but I have a hard time finding fault under the circumstances!
Allagash Black Ale – Allagash Brewing (Portland, ME) Belgian strong dark Ale, 7.5%. Paired with Gnocchi Ricotta Carbonara. “Dark and it doesn’t taste like alcohol” – Ryley, when asked how he likes his beer. I think a positive review?

Ben and Jerry’s
At Betsy the trail angel’s, shared a Chocolate Therapy, delicious!

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One Response to Day 31 – 1 month on the trail!

  1. bruce b says:

    Congrats on finishing your first month! Nice chatting with you yesterday. Your beard is light for a month……still shaving sometimes?

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