Day 2: Quinteira to (almost) Lagos (77k/600m)

Sep 15

We woke up at 7:30, packed up and went in search of coffee and the promised daily croissants. We found Cafe Amar for both and a grocery store across the road, fueled up and headed onwards.

The morning took us on some interesting (and hilly) routes through towns Albufeira, Armação do Pêra and ended in Lagos but the big stop was in between  at Paraia dos Salgados – another awesome beach where we stopped for a couple hours, swam, played on the sand, had lunch, and shared an ice cream cone.

We went through Lagoa and stopped just before Portimao at a little café for a long break in the shade and many cold drinks (smoothie for Axel), and then again shortly after at a random park bench area for Axel to  with a view of the nice birds (not in the bathroom we’d stopped at 臘‍♀️). We ran into siesta time (we think) in our hunt for an appropriate dinner, came up empty and ended up cooking up ramen in a random church square at the top of some tiny town we’d bikes to the top of in search of food. It was great. These little towns have tiny one way cobblestone streets and curving interconnected houses, it definitely feels like a very different adventure to home. 

We carried on in the sunset (already becoming a theme) to try to find a camp spot before dark. We found an epic spot a short sandy hike a bike, tucked in beside a sand dune above a beach, very secluded and once we’d moved the tent out of the billowing wind we had a great set up and sleep! Listened to the waves crashing under the full moon.

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One Response to Day 2: Quinteira to (almost) Lagos (77k/600m)

  1. Susan MF Breiddal says:

    What an incredibly beautiful day. I like the look of the croissant, oh yeah and the beaches! What a cool adventure.

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