Day 45 – Salisbury


The view from Lions Head

We were woken up by an angry squirrel throwing acorns at our (very fragile) tent. We had to get going to get away, so we were hiking by 6:30am. I managed to sleep reasonably considering I had to wake up a few times for the mattress blow up.  Anyways, the hiking went very quickly and we were drinking Americanos and scarffing croissants by 8:30am in Salisbury. We followed that up with breakfast at a very fancy spot called Chaiwalla. We were way out of place, considering the two cars there when we arrived were a Tesla and a Porsche. Turns out they were the owners’ cars, but still… We were so dirty from 8 days of hiking, I was definitely feeling a bit sheepish, but they were very nice to us. The owner sent us off with a giant piece of poppy seed lemon cake, gratis.

Lots of hikers in town though, so we chatted with some of them to get info on what’s coming up. As soon as possible, we headed up to Bearded Woods Hostel, our home for the next two days.  The hostel is very clean and interesting, all kinds of intricate woodwork and decorated with deer and buffalo skulls (mk: besides all the skulls it reminds me of a swanky ski cottage in the basement – the woodworking is beautiful). The actual bunks are in the thankfully cool basement. We ate a wonderful dinner made by the owners and of course went to bed too late.

Mk: “wonderful dinner” deserves more detail – this is a food blog, after all! We had homemade burgers with all the fixings, green bean salad, corn on the cob, and dill cabbage coleslaw. For dessert – strawberry shortcake with vanilla ice cream and whipped cream. There weren’t seconds of dessert but Ryley still volunteered to eat the leftover whip cream straight out of the bowl. I weighed myself (on a real balance weigh scale) – 132lbs before lunch and dinner, 136 afterwards… Success.

Berkshire Mountain Brewery Brown Ale, tallboy, shared, solar brewed and very tasty

Ben and Jerry’s blog
Coffee Toffee Crunch (coffee ice cream with skor pieces (Megan – and I put some of it back in the freezer for tomorrow! So much will power…)
Cheesecake Brownie – Ryley

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2 Responses to Day 45 – Salisbury

  1. John (Walker) says:

    Still loving your blog! Relieved to read that you are getting through the slights and injuries. Notice the food because if we ate that much we’d weigh more than our cars! Bizarre weather here continues. It is trying, and largely failing to rain.

  2. Blair says:

    +4lbs of awesome!

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