Day 98

I buzzed through the morning with town on my mind, barely even seeing
the trail. Which is probably bad, but I couldn’t help it today. I
did meet some rangers who were surveying future trail work above Wolf
Creek Pass. Then I lost my sunglasses at some point which sucks,
because there were tons of day hikers around who aren’t likely to get
them back to me.

I got a ride from a couple who actually U-Turned after going by and
came back for me. I didn’t even have my thumb out yet, they just
figured I probably needed a ride. Great stuff eh? Once I got into
town I made contact with Chance and Freebie (Chance having taken a
shortcut to get here ahead of me). They had found some friends of
Chance’s in town (Mike and Caroline), and eventually Mike took us back
to his house with a stop at the grocery store for me.

They all went and played some sort of paintball thing called AirSoft
while I chilled out at their house using the WiFi and doing some
chores. We had dinner and hung out for the evening.

Daily Summary
Date: Sept 29, 2011
Day 98
Daily Distance: 14.8 miles
Trip Distance: 1894.8 miles

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One Response to Day 98

  1. Mike says:

    yeah buddy. one state to go. I don’t know what I’m going to do at work once you are finished and back in Victoria.

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