Day 90


This is the reality of the AT

Town day today, so everyone was up pre-dawn and hiking as soon it was light. We watched the sun rise over a beautiful powerline swath, and also got more great views from near Rice Shelter. We also saw a skunk right on the trail somewhere in here, but it scooted away pretty quickly once we almost stumbled on it. After that, a long downward slog, past a landfill, and then a stream definitely not to drink from. We caught up to a couple section hikers, Tim and Tammy, as they were taking pictures of a goat that was hanging out by the trail. After we went by the goat followed us, in fact walking right behind me for half a mile. It was pretty funny!


We hit the road to town and the goat stopped. We made our way into town, resupplied, ate at DQ, then sent our stuff up to Woods Hole Hostel with Neville, the owner. She dropped us off back at the trail, which immediately went up 2000 feet to Angels Landing. I was pretty hurting from all the eating, and had to stop a bunch just to digest. It was still great with no pack.


We cruised all afternoon though and got to the hostel, 20 miles in, by 4. We showered and hung out on the porch couch and hammock until we were called in to help make communal dinner – salad made with fresh veggies out of the garden, and homemade pizza with home canned tomato sauce, more garden veggies, and beef and bacon raised on the farm. Neville said they haven’t bought meat from the store in 6 or 7 years! Woods Hole is a farm and hostel based on sustainable living – farming, beekeeping, and hosting hikers! We had locally made coconut ice cream for dessert. This may now be the best meal we’ve had on this trip!

We also met the next few Southbounders – three brothers who call themselves The Highwaymen. There used to be a fourth member who quit (Johnny Cash).  They’ve been following us the whole way, always just a bit behind, reading our notes in the trail logs. They were very excited to meet us.

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5 Responses to Day 90

  1. Hew & Cindy says:

    Got your postcard when we returned from 2 1/2 weeks at Camp – thanks! Heading back to Camp to-day for a few days.
    We are enjoying your blog – we read Bryson’s account of the A. Trail years ago, but it is nothing like seeing through the eyes of people we are closer to . . . and your blog is as close as we will ever get!
    Love to you both,

  2. Dani says:

    Megan- Matt & Michelle’s wedding was a hoot, people the likes of Fred and John Pilz whom I haven’t seen in years but haven’t changed at all! People were asking about you and I told them about this crazy little walk you’re doing!

    Now, hustle your bustles to Thanksgiving!

  3. BB says:

    Crazy little walk.
    That’s hysterical.

  4. susan breiddal says:

    sounds wonderful

  5. Blair says:

    Yes more food talk!

    Congrats to the SOBOs who caught up… a rare breed!

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