Day 23

Packed up everything and got food ready for shipping (which Lauren will be doing for me tomorrow). We went to breakfast at Steve’s, a very busy Helena restaurant. Then we lazed around for awhile as Chance had more Internet stuff to do.

I ran into ET downtown, who was headed out of town sometime today too. He said there are a bunch of hikers a day behind him.

In the end we got our arms twisted into staying for family dinner (ribs) and then finally dragged ourselves away at 8:30pm. Andrew drove us to the trail and we hiked into dusk, quickly finding a quiet spot for the night.

Daily Summary
Date: July 17, 2011
Day 23
Daily Distance: 0.5 miles
Trip Distance: 343 miles

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2 Responses to Day 23

  1. karen says:

    sounds like fun, id like to be a trail angel – they sound very appreciated. nothing new around here , lousy weather. im on a fitness kick, spinning every day plus weights, golf tonite. playing in a tennis tourney- still hanging in for the quarter finals. enjoying your blog

  2. John Walker says:

    Hi Ryley! Caught your first few entries through Hayley and have now followed your last week. Very enjoyable reading. Hair-raising stuff in places: grizzles and lightning! It sounds as though you are plagued by the same cold wet weather we are getting. Wishing it would end for all our sakes! Sounds as though you’re enjoying the trip…and the nice people must be a boon. Look forward to reading more. J.

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