Today we hiked our longest day of the trail – 26.3 miles! Our feet are now sore but it was a pleasant day of hiking. The weather broke last night and it was much cooler all day. We crossed into New York in the morning, and so far that seems to mean less water and camping opportunities, but smoother trail. New York also has a rule that you can only camp in official sites, which is why we hiked so far today. We stopped in to fill up water and for a cold drink at a “garden centre” at a road crossing – also railway crossing. From there you can catch a train into New York city for $14 – it takes about 2h. Kind of crazy. We kept our dirty butts walking but have heard of several people who take advantage to go into NYC when they’re so close.
We met a nice couple at our otherwise deserted campsite, Ladyslippers and Highway 88. I immediately insulted them, unintentionally of course, by saying they don’t look like thruhikers. Turns out they are 500 miles into their hike, but over 70+ days (including 30+ days off trail from other commitments). So I was wrong but not totally 🙂 They didn’t seem too offended, and even offered us one of their mini apple pies they’d carried up to the shelter for us to share.
… Marathon hike day! : )