Day 95


Find the cow!

We hurried through some cow pastures under a very pretty early morning sky and then under the Interstate to The Barn this morning. It was pretty disappointing though. Non-dairy creamer (warning: contains milk!), whipped spread (aka “butter”), syrup that only looked the part, etc etc. We all walked away wishing we had hiked by and stuck with our bars for breakfast. Don’t worry though, I still ate mine. We spent the rest of the morning bitching about it and hiking to Mt Rogers Visitor Center, where we hitched a ride into Marion to resupply.


It turned out the grocery store was about 3 miles into town, so after we got groceries and ate at Pizza Hut, we were a bit stuck for how to get back to the trail. We called around town looking for a trail angel, but it being Labour Day, everyone was busy. So we resolved to walk to the edge of town in the hot afternoon. On the way, Brown stuck his thumb out and miraculously a guy parked in a strip mall we were walking by offered us a ride. Totally out of his way, far up into the mountains. We got back up there after 5 and ran into Tim-Tam again, but we pressed on til dark, our pizza-filled bellies groaning. A pretty good day!

Mk: a pretty good day until to end your day you have to crawl in beside a pair of feet that have spent the whole day in wet socks and damp shoes from walking through dewy grass in the morning. Ryley’s feet smell like death…

Ben and Jerry’s blog: The Tonight Dough (Megan only – Ryley and Brown were too full from pizza. And by too full, I mean, Ryley asked to switch seats with me to be closer to the bathroom “just in case”. 15 minutes later he still asked for a bite of my ice cream…)

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2 Responses to Day 95

  1. susan breiddal says:

    way to go ryley-I like to see determination

  2. Richard says:

    My favourite post so far, because of Megan’s postscript…

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