Day 37 – Manchester

The duct tape job only lasted about a mile before it peeled off, which left me with a lot of miles to go before a possible fix.  I came up with another idea involving a strap and an extra shoelace and this is what it looked like:


That actually held for 9 miles!

We climbed up Mt Bromley and topped out by a ski lift, with views all around and wildflowers blooming in many colours.  Then down to the highway and a quick hitchhike into town.

First stop was the shoe store (haha not really, it was food first). I found some trail runners that I hope will work! They’re half a size smaller than I wanted, but for $40, better that the alternative. With that problem settled, hopefully, we wandered town in the blazing sun, bought some replacement gear, and sent off our cold weather clothes, ridding us of 4.5lbs of stuff.


We bought our next section of food and then got a ride to the Green Mountain Hostel, a wonderful, clean place that offers free laundry, a pint of Ben and Jerry’s, and all the soda you can drink. Basically, heaven.  I spent 30 minutes hacking my beard off with a disposable razor and Megan shaved my head again. We spent a nice evening there, watched Bridesmaids, and then crashed in our private room with the A/C pumping.

Megan reweighed her pack after sending that stuff off to Jimmy and Judy – base weight was 12 lbs; with 4 days food and 1L water = 20lbs. Ryley’s weighed in at 22 with food and water.

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6 Responses to Day 37 – Manchester

  1. John says:

    Hi You Two! I’m always afraid that you’ll be 3 days ahead and will miss a comment but here’s a hello anyway. Really enjoy your blog. Is it my imagination or are you both foodies who only do the hiking thing so you can scoff all the time without putting on a ton? Rain here finally and had 3 Pileated Woodpeckers at our feeders yesterday (parent and 2 kids)

  2. Dani says:

    Look closely at Megan’s leg muscle-woah!!!!!!!!!

  3. karen says:

    congrats on making it this far ….not that I ever doubted you but still good work! same old here… biking, tennis and golf . going to victoria friday for canning and painting. xo karen

  4. Paula McFadyen says:

    Great to catch up on your news. Looking slim and trim. I guess you need more ice-cream :). We are heading off tomorrow to Haida Gwaii for our more tame adventure. Cheers, Paula

  5. Meg says:

    There’s a movie coming out in September – A Walk in the Woods – have you heard about it? It’s a couple of old guys (Redford and Nolte) hiking the AP trail. It looks like a decently funny movie in of itself but you guys would probably be able to pick it apart with inaccuracies and would probably enjoy it more for that; take a day off and go see it in the fall.

    Ryley, nice Macgyver action on the shoes; hope the $40 ones are working out! Wish you both were here in Vic to say hello. Take care

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