Day 35 – And I Would Walk 500 miles


Side trail into town has disc golf!

We zipped into Killington this morning, because we needed guide book pages, and got those right away so we could plan the next few days. While in town we checked out the local outfitters, and I got some new socks. Quite a difference from my ratty, filthy normal pair 🙂

We booked into a nicer hostel in the next town and headed out… But I soon realized I had somewhat miscalculated the mileage, so it’ll be a faster hike in the next few days to make up for it!  The miles past by quickly today though, we climbed Mt Killington without even really noticing, possibly due to piles of Gatorade and a good chat going about frisbee and other hikes. Once we hit the top, the trail was smooth most of the way down, so we cruised into the afternoon well on schedule.

It started raining lightly, which kept us moving until we hit a shelter around 7. The AT and the Long Trail (which spans Vermont, North to South) are now joined til the southern border, so the shelter had a few LT hikers in it, along with a couple northbound AT hikers. They all ask the same question – how were the Whites? I’ve taken to just saying they should hope for good weather and expect slower miles. I guess I also mention that it was beautiful at times 🙂

(mk:) Science factoid of the day!
One of the northbounders we passed was wearing full black long john’s, a t-shirt that had been cropped and a long-sleeved shirt tied around his waist. I turned and said “full pants and a crop top, that’s an interesting combination!”. He responded with an enthusiastic “yeah, I wear the pants to keep my legs warm, and the crop-top to keep me cool. Wearing pants means I don’t sweat, so I don’t have to carry water and I can hike faster with less weight!”
…. I, um… I’m sorry… What?!?? That is not the way thermoregulation works…
But he seemed fully convinced and I don’t think he’s looking for enlightenment. I hope he’s not too dehydrated. It’s been pretty hot and humid during the day, Ryley and I have been drinking about 4L a day each,and should probably be drinking more…

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One Response to Day 35 – And I Would Walk 500 miles

  1. blair says:


    Nate and I played disc golf at Whistler last weekend (with Kim and Rolo and others)… but yea – you guys should come back so you can play with me!

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