Sep 29
Today we head to Seville, 75km away but mostly downhill! I feel bittersweet about it as I love the camping aspect and Axel’s delight at our spots we find in the wild. But, I’m ready for some good food and a break for my butt

We had camp breakfast then stopped in Valdeflores for coffee and a treat (their version of a Boston Cream donut, pretty good!). The café was absolutely packed – we can’t tell whether it was because it’s Sunday or were just getting closer to the city (or both, or some other reason entirely).

We’d only done about 35km by lunch time, but stopped in El Garrobo and found 2 bars open, one which wasn’t serving food at 1pm,and one which was serving tapas (hurray!). This is one of the first times we’ve successfully been able to eat lunch in a town! And it was very good – home stew, an egg/pepper/potato/pork dish, and “lizard” (direct translation), we don’t think it was actually lizard but we don’t know it wasn’t!

Then we followed Google maps bike suggestion off the state highway to avoid the interstate into Seville. It surprised us by taking us on some very rough gravel side road single track (which Axel fell asleep through) and on and off some very gravely backroads dirt and gravel options to avoid major roads. That part was a success but it slowed our cruisy road riding pace to a crawl. We biked by a massive solar farm which Ryley and I were quite interested to see. We had to cross a (small) river – it is just strange to see running water here at all.

To its credit, we did very little riding on main roads for the 40km from El Garrobo into Seville.

We checked into our booked apartment near the city center, showered then wandered around and found gelato, new shorts for Ryley and the Decathlon, tapas for dinner and my first glass of Sangria of the trip (finally!). Axel found a playground then we headed back to our apartment for a much needed sleep!
Total distance: 747km, total elevation:10, 479m ️
“new shorts for Ryley and the Decathlon”
Is ‘the Decathlon’ the name of Ryley’s… thighs?